軟體應用丙級,Autocad 2008,練習英文,線上英文聽力練習,Autodesk2021-7-18


  • 創立於 1976 年的家族企業
  • 對人類和地球負責
  • 草本補充劑
  • 未輻照
  • 猶太潔食

Frontier Co-op 乾杜松子是自然生長和收穫的,可提供易於搭配多種肉類、飲品、現成菜肴的香料。強大的松樹香氣使其成為金湯力雞尾酒中的流行成分。辛辣松樹風味帶有柑橘味,使其成為砂鍋菜、鴨肉、豬肉甚至熱茶等飲品中的非常常用成分。

產品特色◎◎杜松漿果 - 具有不同尋常的毬果形狀和鱗片狀的表面,是獨特的調味品。含有幾種不同的杜松漿果,產自北美、歐洲和亞洲的常青樹。杜松漿果並非名字所暗示的那樣是真正的漿果,只是在植物學上有類似的作用。經常用它作為調味品或提升飲品的口感,尤其用於乙醇飲品中。◎◎多用途的成分 - 辛辣和芳香的漿果曬乾後,顏色較暗。經常將它加到乙醇飲品中,如杜松子酒和滋補品,以提升香氣。碾碎後,可將它加到食品中調味,如牛肉、豬肉、鴨肉、水果蛋糕和砂鍋中。我們的杜松漿果可以整顆使用,也可以碾碎後使用,方法不盡相同,當加入到菜肴中時,能夠增加柑橘、松子和酸味。◎◎芳香濃郁 - 漿果通常加到乙醇飲品中,如杜松子酒和滋補品中,使其具有辛辣、松樹般的味道。為了增加砂鍋菜、肉類甚至飲品的味道,可以將杜松漿果整粒加入或碾碎,以提升甜美、濃郁的味道。它們通常用來為豬肉、牛肉、鹿肉和鴨肉增味,並散發淡淡柑橘的松子味。◎◎產自保加利亞 - Frontier Co-op 杜松漿果是猶太潔食認可的食品,在保加利亞種植和收穫。每一粒漿果都經過手工篩選和自然曬乾,然後收穫,製成能被整顆或碾碎使用的產品。◎◎原產地:保加利亞◎◎植物學名稱:杜松子油 (Juniperus communis L.)◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/fro/fro00587/u/4.jpg">


  • 創立於 1976 年的家族企業
  • 對人類和地球負責
  • 草本補充劑
  • 未輻照
  • 猶太潔食

Frontier Co-op 乾杜松子是自然生長和收穫的,可提供易於搭配多種肉類、飲品、現成菜肴的香料。強大的松樹香氣使其成為金湯力雞尾酒中的流行成分。辛辣松樹風味帶有柑橘味,使其成為砂鍋菜、鴨肉、豬肉甚至熱茶等飲品中的非常常用成分。


杜松漿果 - 具有不同尋常的毬果形狀和鱗片狀的表面,是獨特的調味品。含有幾種不同的杜松漿果,產自北美、歐洲和亞洲的常青樹。杜松漿果並非名字所暗示的那樣是真正的漿果,只是在植物學上有類似的作用。經常用它作為調味品或提升飲品的口感,尤其用於乙醇飲品中。

多用途的成分 - 辛辣和芳香的漿果曬乾後,顏色較暗。經常將它加到乙醇飲品中,如杜松子酒和滋補品,以提升香氣。碾碎後,可將它加到食品中調味,如牛肉、豬肉、鴨肉、水果蛋糕和砂鍋中。我們的杜松漿果可以整顆使用,也可以碾碎後使用,方法不盡相同,當加入到菜肴中時,能夠增加柑橘、松子和酸味。

芳香濃郁 - 漿果通常加到乙醇飲品中,如杜松子酒和滋補品中,使其具有辛辣、松樹般的味道。為了增加砂鍋菜、肉類甚至飲品的味道,可以將杜松漿果整粒加入或碾碎,以提升甜美、濃郁的味道。它們通常用來為豬肉、牛肉、鹿肉和鴨肉增味,並散發淡淡柑橘的松子味。

產自保加利亞 - Frontier Co-op 杜松漿果是猶太潔食認可的食品,在保加利亞種植和收穫。每一粒漿果都經過手工篩選和自然曬乾,然後收穫,製成能被整顆或碾碎使用的產品。


植物學名稱:杜松子油 (Juniperus communis L.)


要製備為茶,在鍋中加 0.5 茶匙漿果和 1 杯水。蓋上鍋並小火煮 15-30 分鐘,瀝乾,然後立即食用。

網路價:263元,結帳享5%折扣後 250


  • Member Owned Since 1976
  • Responsible To People and Planet 
  • Kosher
  • Non-Irradiated
Chicory root is a hardy perennial best known for its association with coffee, producing a similar roasted beverage with no caffeine. 
A larger relative of the dandelion, chicory was in cultivation for thousands of years along the Nile River in Egypt, then spread to America in the 18th century.
Chicory root - frontier co-op organic chicory root (cichorium intybus) is a hardy perennial best known for non-caffeinated alternative to coffee. there are no artificial additives or chemicals used at any step of the manufacturing process.◎◎An easy substitute - chicory root is commonly used to make a caffeine-free coffee substitute.◎◎Chicory coffee is a delicious beverage that has a similar flavor to actual coffee, but with less stimulating properties. chicory root is also added to enhance the roasted, nutty flavor of regular coffee.◎◎Flavorful - frontier co-op organic chicory root is ground and roasted to produce a robust flavor profile. chicory root tastes similar to coffee but produces its signature roasted flavor with little caffeine.◎◎European organic - our chicory root is cultivated and processed in Europe. this product is certified organic, kosher, and non-irradiated.◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/fro/fro00537/u/4.jpg">


  • Member Owned Since 1976
  • Responsible To People and Planet 
  • Kosher
  • Non-Irradiated
Chicory root is a hardy perennial best known for its association with coffee, producing a similar roasted beverage with no caffeine. 
A larger relative of the dandelion, chicory was in cultivation for thousands of years along the Nile River in Egypt, then spread to America in the 18th century.

Chicory root - frontier co-op organic chicory root (cichorium intybus) is a hardy perennial best known for non-caffeinated alternative to coffee. there are no artificial additives or chemicals used at any step of the manufacturing process.

An easy substitute
- chicory root is commonly used to make a caffeine-free coffee substitute.

Chicory coffee is a delicious beverage that has a similar flavor to actual coffee, but with less stimulating properties. chicory root is also added to enhance the roasted, nutty flavor of regular coffee.

Flavorful - frontier co-op organic chicory root is ground and roasted to produce a robust flavor profile. chicory root tastes similar to coffee but produces its signature roasted flavor with little caffeine.

European organic
- our chicory root is cultivated and processed in Europe. this product is certified organic, kosher, and non-irradiated.


To prepare as a tea, pour 8 oz. boiling water over 1 tsp. of herb, cover and steep 3-5 minutes, strain and serve immediately. 
網路價:231元,結帳享5%折扣後 220


  • 甘草類
  • 猶太教適用




網路價:273元,結帳享5%折扣後 260